Singapore — On the anniversary of his defeat in the GE 2020 elections, former People’s Action Party MP and political office holder Amrin Amin says his “passion for community work” remains strong, but netizens don’t seem to be too keen on Mr Amin’s recent behavior online.

Mr Amin was interviewed one year after the PAP slate at Sengkang GRC was defeated by the Workers’ Party. In a stunning upset, the ruling party’s team, which was composed of heavyweights Senior Minister of State for Health and Transport Lam Pin Min, secretary-general of the National Trades Union Congress Ng Chee Meng, Mr Amin and grassroots leader Raymond Lye, was bested by a WP team of political newcomers.

“Don’t write my obituary just yet. I’ll come back stronger. Not so easy to knock me off,” Mr Amin wrote in a Facebook post after GE 2020.

He had similar fighting words when he told Yahoo Singapore, “The election results have further fuelled my passion for community work!”

Even though I am no longer in office, I am determined to continue the good work that these groups are doing, and contribute in my own small way to their efforts.”

In a Jul 10, 2021 post, he wrote, “Exactly one year since GE2020. It’s been bittersweet for me. GE2020 loss in Sengkang hit me hard as I greatly enjoyed my work in public service. I gave my best in serving residents and at MHA and MOH… I’m down, but definitely not out. I’m an optimist and always make the best of life.”

Mr Amin touched on his recent skirmishes online with netizens, who have called him out on some of his posts.

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In the recent issue where he sided with the People’s Association against Ms Sarah Bagharib, who accused the association of “disrespect for Malay/Muslim culture” and “lack of diversity,” the former Senior Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry for Home Affairs and the Ministry for Health told one commenter “don’t take offence too easily, snowflake,” receiving backlash for this particular remark.

In the recent interview, he said that his “thick skin” helps him cope with online negativity. 

“Unfortunately, I think the scourge of online negativity and vitriol will never be able to be fully eradicated. Keyboard warriors, hypocrites and trolls pay me a visit from time to time, but luckily, my skin is quite thick!,” he said.

This was one part of the interview that a number of netizens commented on.

Others also brought up his recent responses to commenters online:

One commenter wrote that he felt the issue at hand is not so much the former MP’s online behaviour but what he feels is “a lack of integrity.”

The same netizen posted a photo comparing Mr Amin to Dr Jamus Lim, who had contested under the WP banner and won, and is now serving as MP at Sengkang GRC.


Read also: Amrin Amin slammed for calling a netizen ‘snowflake’ and telling him not to get offended so easily

Amrin Amin slammed for calling a netizen ‘snowflake’ and telling him not to get offended so easily