A Singaporean father of four whose life turned upside down after he was suddenly diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer recently received more bad news when he allegedly found out that the usable funds in his CPF Medisave account only allows him to be warded in the hospital for a single night.

The sole breadwinner of his family, 39-year-old Mr Ho, earned a humble living as a taxi driver until recently. Selling electronics online to supplement his income, Mr Ho provided for his wife, their four children between the ages of 5 and 12 as well as his elderly parents. All eight family members lived in a 3-room flat.

2 years ago, the family’s hopes and dreams came tumbling down. Mr Ho’s health failed suddenly and he was soon diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. Unable to work, Mr Ho and his family had to rely on various social assistance and financial aid programmes, besides depending on Mr Ho’s siblings, to survive.

Things seemed to improve when Mr Ho’s condition became stable. Unfortunately, doctors soon found that the cancer cells had begun to spread to his stomach.

According to Three Treasure Pavilion – a buddhist group that is trying to raise funds for Mr Ho – the family was recently told that the money they receive from social welfare is not enough to cover Mr Ho’s current medical expenses.

The nurse allegedly added that “Mr Ho’s CPF Medisave is only able to payout for a day stay in the hospital but his condition require him a longer period of time to be warded. The treatment require to insert tubes onto Mr Ho to clear off those blockages before he goes for chemo.”

The social welfare Mr Ho’s family currently receive barely covers their daily expenses, according to Three Treasure Pavilion. Mr Ho’s siblings are also unable to shoulder much of his medical expenses since they have their own families to take care of.

To help Mr Ho and his family, Three Treasure Pavilion organised an e-auction yesterday, selling Mr Ho’s brand new electronic goods and some amulets, necklaces and toys donated by kind-hearted benefactors.

Three Treasure Pavilion representative Meng Feng Brennan Ong invites those who wish to give to Mr Ho and his family to get in touch with him directly on Facebook.



In case you cannot read the post above:

“Mr Ho, the sole breadwinner – aged 39 years old whom is a caring, hardworking husband & dad whom strived hard for his family. He lives in a 3 rooms flat with his wife & their 4 kids, aged between 5 years old to 12 years old, also his elderly dad & mum. (Total 8pax in one 3 rooms residential)

“When he was well, he worked as a despatch driver for 13 years then switched his career as a taxi driver for almost 3 years. He was also doing a side line business selling electronic stuff online to earn extra income but 2 years ago, his health failed him and was found diagnosed with 4th stage cancer (Colon Cancer). Apparently he is unable to continue with his work to sustain anymore income for his family. By then, his family was then supported by various Social Welfare & his siblings during this period of time till his condition become much stable. Unfortunately, his cancer cells start to spread to his stomach & he has to be readmitted to the hospic. As updated by the doctors, with his current condition, they has no answer on his recovery.

“His family shared, their own social welfare came to a point that they couldn’t support much on their daily expenses with cash. Apparently his siblings has their own family with kids to support and are able to shoulder much of the incurred expenses.

“Recently, the nurse have asked the family member on the payment mode for his medical bill. Mr Ho’s CPF Medisave is only able to payout for a day stay in the hospital but his condition require him a longer period of time to be warded. The treatment require to insert tubes onto Mr Ho to clear off those blockage before he goes for chemo. The nurse mentioned that social welfare were unable to cover his current medical & etc.

“Tonight, Three Treasure Pavilion will be doing a E-Auction to raised funds for his family for daily expenses support. Items on bid tonight will be left over electronic products (Brand new but may be outdated) by Mr Ho. Also, some amulets, necklaces & brand new soft toys that are donated by some kind hearted brothers & sisters.

“This will be a 100% fund raising non profitable to Three Treasure Pavilion & we hope to gather as much assistance as we could. We also welcome anyone who are able to assist for social welfare support to his family. You can PM us for further details. Cash donation was be 100% visible and drafted after we have raised.

“Please help them as much as we can, but also within your budget zone. One effort combine together and make it into a full force effort. Your kindness will be greatly appreciated by their family. Buddha bless him, his family and all of us”