SINGAPORE — Yishun has a very specific reputation in Singapore, and one expat wanted to find out if this is warranted. “Is Yishun actually bad?” asked Reddit user TooLittleTimeMan on Tuesday (Dec 27).

“As per the title, is Yishun actually bad/dangerous? how bad is it? I am new to Singapore and while searching for a room, I found a decent place in Yishun but I keep seeing all the Yishun bad things over social media. Someone shed some lights about Yishun thanks!” he wrote.

Reddit users who answered the expat’s question, however, underlined that, by and large, Singapore is very safe.

“My policy on Singapore is that it is so safe that if I was walking in the middle of the night and someone mugged me, that person must really need the money and I’d be glad to give it to them,” one wrote.

And a Yishun resident wrote, “I can assure you that Yishun is neither bad nor dangerous.”

Another chimed in, “People have made Yishun a running joke because of some of the strange occurrences that have come out of that neighborhood. So just think of it as the target everyone likes to take pot shots at for a laugh. Nothing more.”

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“Yishun is as normal as most other parts of the country,” a Reddit user added.

Another resident opined, “No, we’re pretty safe over here in Yishun… the biggest problem you’ll face is prob people not wanting to come visit you because ‘its too far away’.”

One Reddit user even said they regretted moving away from Yishun.   

By the way, a few years ago, Bukit Timah was ranked the safest neighbourhood in Singapore based on crime data from the Singapore Police Force and Neighbourhood Police Centres from 2012 to 2016.

The most dangerous of all was Yishun North, which has the highest overall number of crimes and money harassment cases in Singapore in 2016. /TISG

Bukit Timah ranks safest in Singapore, Yishun North places last