A photo of a Tesla parked perpendicular across three parking slots to charge has gone viral on social media, with netizens noting this issue would become more prevalent amid a push for electric vehicle usage.

“Charging cable not long enough?” asked Facebook page ROADS.sg in a post on Sunday (Apr 24). The page attached a photo of a Tesla parked across one EV lot and two normal parking slots at Vivocity on Apr 21.

“Then installation company is not thinking hard enough?” the page added.

With over 280 comments to date, members from the online community shared different opinions on the incident, such as the driver’s not-so-smart behaviour despite using an otherwise smart vehicle.

“When smart car dictates, drivers become stupid,” said a netizen.

“Even if it is a cable issue also cannot park this way. Selfish to the max,” added another netizen.

Meanwhile, Facebook user Jon Tan noted that some EV chargers “were installed by non-EV drivers.”

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“Some Shell stations have this problem too, so you have to manoeuvre your car and part with your port nearest the station.”

Facebook user Chua CH also had a lengthy explanation below.

Photo: FB screengrab/ROADS.sg

However, others responded that the Tesla driver could have parked the hood first.

“Seems like the cable is long enough if the car is parked head in,” said Facebook user Jason Lee.

“I doubt because the company who install this definitely try out before. And If there are faults, someone must have reported it, and that kiosk is not new,” said one Martin Yeo, responding to Mr Chua’s explanation.

“As a former installer of such machine at carparks, from structural works, carpark painting and marking and all the way to the installation of the charging box, I can assure you, the cable is way longer that is needed,” added Facebook user Jerrick Lim.

Motorists are urged to be aware of their surroundings when parking to avoid accidentally taking up more slots than intended. /TISG

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ByHana O