A Housing and Development Board (HDB) resident shared on social media how his neighbour’s dogs would bark incessantly, resulting in their lack of sleep.

Despite reporting the matter to his Town Council and the police, the resident said it was “no use.”

Facebook page Complaint Singapore member Leon Lee posted on Sunday (July 10) that “Enough is enough.”

“I do complain this to town council but no use. I even called police, don’t be bothered to come,” he said.

Mr Lee attached a video of their estate where two dogs barked repeatedly.

According to his post, the dogs would bark from midnight until 4 or 5 am. “Afternoon, evening…the owner doesn’t seem to care,” said Mr Lee.

“One dog bark(ing) is enough to keep me awake but two dogs barking at each other…is a nightmare,” he added.

“I really need help to solve this problem,” said the concerned resident.

Members from the online community quickly responded to his post, suggesting that he should email HDB and lodge an official complaint.

“HDB is the official landlord for all HDB flats. AVS (Animal & Veterinary Service), NParks (National Parks Board), SPCA (Singapore Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), don’t care. They only need to know where the pet is kept on the licensing part,” said Facebook user Xiaobao. “So u need to identify which blk and unit for HDB to take action.”

Those who were acquainted with dogs also noted that the canines in the video shouldn’t be barking like that.

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“Pls contact SPCA is not ok for the dogs to be barking like that. I can feel the frustration even as a dog owner myself, including all neighbours with young children and elderly who are sensitive to noise,” said Facebook user Yee Yi Qi.

“How can dogs bark for long hours nonstop? Suggest to call SPCA for possible animal abuse,” said Facebook user Serene Tee.

Photo: FB screengrab
Photo: FB screengrab

The Independent Singapore has reached out to SPCA for a statement and will update the article accordingly. /TISG

UPDATE: July 15, 2022

SPCA Statement

SPCA’s Executive Director, Aarthi Sankar has responded and clarified the incident today with the below statement:

“On the 12th July 2022, the SPCA was alerted to a video of two dogs barking loudly, causing potential distress to neighbours living around the area. Excessive barking by dogs happens for many reasons, including but not limited to separation anxiety, fear, boredom, and medical issues. Dog guardians are strongly encouraged to spend the time to look into the cause, and reach out to positive, force-free trainers if help is needed.

We have since reached out to Leon Lee, and we will step in to support by investigating once we obtain more information.”

Loud noise from HDB neighbour for about a dozen years, woman says authorities could not do anything