SINGAPORE: The overall employment rate for fresh polytechnic graduates and post-National Service (NS) graduates took a marginal dip in 2014, according to the Graduate Employment Survey released on Wednesday (Jan 14).

The survey, jointly conducted by the five local polytechnics, showed that employment rate for fresh diploma grads was at 89.2 per cent in 2014, down from 2013’s 89.8 per cent. Similarly, the employment rate for post-NS grads was at 92.4 per cent last year, which took a dip from 2013’s 92.8 per cent.

Additionally, the percentage of economically active fresh graduates in full-time employment was 59.4 per cent, compared to 62.7 per cent in 2013. There was a corresponding increase in the proportion of graduates working in part-time or temporary jobs though, with a majority of these graduates indicating they were currently pursuing or going to commence further studies, the survey report stated.

As for economically active post-NS graduates holding full-time permanent jobs, the percentage was 73 per cent, which is down slightly from 2013’s 74.2 per cent, it added.


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In terms of median gross monthly salary, fresh graduates received similar amount in 2014 compared to the previous year. Post-NS graduates saw a 6.7 per cent increase last year to S$2,400, compared to 2013’s S$2,250, according to the report.

Delving into individual courses, fresh graduates in health sciences received the highest median gross monthly salary of S$2,150, while those in the Built Environment, Engineering and Maritime received the highest mean salary of S$2,220.

As for post-NS grads, those in Hybrid Courses took in S$2,770 in mean gross monthly salary, which was the highest among all courses surveyed. Graduates in Health Sciences saw the highest median gross monthly salary at S$2,665.

The survey polled 10,561 fresh graduates and 4,760 post-NS graduates between Oct 1 and Dec 8, 2014. It was jointly conducted by Nanyang Polytechnic, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Republic Polytechnic, Singapore Polytechnic and Temasek Polytechnic.

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Via:: Employment rate for polytechnic grads dips marginally in 2014: Study