edgefield secondary school

Singapore – The Ministry of Health (MOH) announced on Saturday (May 1) that a 15-year-old student from Edgefield Secondary School (EFSS) was one of the seven new Covid-19 cases in the community. As a result, the school will move to home-based learning as a precautionary measure.

MOH confirmed on Saturday during its daily Covid-19 update that a 15-year-old female Singaporean had tested positive for Covid-19 infection.

She developed a sore throat on Apr 28 and subsequently a runny nose and anosmia the following day.

The student reported sick while she was in school on Apr 29, said MOH.

She sought medical treatment at a General Practitioner clinic, where she was tested for Covid-19.

Her test result came back positive the next day, and she was conveyed to the National University Hospital in an ambulance. Her serological test result is pending, said MOH.

In light of the incident, Edgefield Secondary School will be stepping up precautionary measures to curb any risk of transmission, said the Ministry of Education (MOE) in a news release.

Students, staff and external vendors who had been in close contact with the student will be placed on quarantine.

The school will also conduct a thorough cleaning and disinfecting of its premises.

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“Given that this is currently an unlinked case, and with the increase in the community cases, other students, staff and external vendors of the school are required by the MOH to undergo Covid-19 swab tests,” said MOE.

Considering that it will take to complete and receive the results of the swab tests, Edgefield Secondary School will conduct full home-based learning from Tuesday, May 4 to Friday, May 7. Monday, May 3, is a school holiday.

“During the week, EFSS will continue to provide instruction and support for its students both online and using hardcopy materials, so that learning continues uninterrupted.”

Minister for Education Lawrence Wong also took to Facebook to note that the extra precautions are being taken “to try to flush out any cryptic infections that may still be present”.

“We will continue to take all necessary measures to keep our schools and students safe,” he added./TISG

For more updates on the Covid-19 cases in the community: S’pore General Hospital not allowing entry to those who visited TTSH

S’pore General Hospital not allowing entry to those who visited TTSH