Divorce will be not easy for couples who are want to end their marriage. A bill was passed in parliament on Monday. According to the new Family Justice bill, support for divorce may not be easy in the newly formed Family Justice Courts.

Law Minister Shanmugam Pointed out that, “Famiies must be protected and disputes between husband and wife should be brought before court only as the final point.”

Committee for Family Justice has given recommendations for this new family bill and creation of Family Justice system in Singapore by resolving family disputes effectively and less acrimoniously.

Law Minister stated, the families who are facing disputes can be resolved with as little emotional trauma as possible. Families will be given emotional and psychological advices from counselors.Costs associated with such counseling will be reduced.

During the debate on the new family Bill, Many MPs spoke on the need for greater awareness of family law and increased effort to prevent the breakdown of marriages.

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MP. Sylvia Lim of Ajunied GRC, said a clause in the Bill states that hearings in the Family Justice Courts will be closed to the public, argued that opening certain cases for media coverage will be educational for the public since many still rely on the mass media for information.

In response, Mr. Shanmugam said the committee’s decision to keep family disputes private was mainly intended to protect the interests of the children involved.

Tanjong Pagar GRC MP Lily Neo suggested that pre-filing consultation sessions include marriage counsellors who can help couples resolve their differences

Aljunied GRC MP Faisal said, parents also need support post-divorce, suggested counselling sessions for the adults to help them better cope with life after divorce.

East Coast GRC MP Jessica Tan noting that family law is not the most attractive area of specialization for lawyers was concern about whether the new family justice system could attract the right kind of lawyers.