SINGAPORE: Upset over a takeaway charge he considered to be too high, a man took to crowdsourced news site Stomp to share his receipt as well as his outrage.

The diner, identified as PKJ, bought four pieces of chicken wings, which cost S$1.50 each, according to the receipt.

The takeaway charge, however, was S$1.20, which was almost as much as another chicken wing.

This brought the man’s total to S$7.20.

The wings were purchased at Admiralty Place, specifically from a stall at Cantine Corner.

The high charge for takeaway elicited a strong response from the diner, who noted that it is now “normal” to ask customers to pay an additional amount for food they order to take home with them.

However, he added, “The reason we would think is to pay for the cost of plastic takeaway packaging. You can imagine our surprise to be charged $1.20 for a plastic bag and a wax paper bag for four pieces of fried chicken.”

The man said that a smaller amount, say 50 cents, would have been acceptable.

But PKJ also wrote, “A whopping $1.20 is practically daylight robbery. Tell me am I wrong to think like this?”

It seems that netizens who commented on the Stomp story tended to agree with him.

A Reddit user wrote “Even 0.50 cents for take away containers are expensive for me. $1.20 is insane.”

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“S$1.20 for that paper and plastic bag?” an incredulous commenter asked.

One argued that food and beverage establishments that charge high amounts for takeaway charges would lose out in the long run.

Do you think the customer will patronise the shop in the future? It’s a short term gain and a long term loss.”

Another took a more sarcastic tone, writing, “The packaging must be Organic, Edible & Good for the Body…”

But at least one agreed that this is a case of “daylight robbery at its best”.

Some said that takeaway charges are “getting out of hand.”

Others wrote that takeaway usually costs around 30 cents, which made one netizen wonder if PKJ was charged for each chicken wing he bought.

Another told him, “Bring your own paper bag or container. Order a plate to eat on the premises and then bag it yourself.”

Some suggested, however, that he can lodge a complaint if he really believes he was overcharged for the takeaway. /TISG

Read also:  Should people bring their own bags, utensils and takeaway containers to Hawker centres?