Coca-Cola’s 2017 advert titled as ‘Change has a taste’, portraying a Saudi father-daughter duo, found itself stuck in the web of online controversies. This upbeat ad was released on the 2nd of November, 2017, a few weeks after the Muslim kingdom of Saudi Arabia rejoiced their King’s verdict of overturning the ban on women being allowed to drive.

This one-minute long play starts with a father proudly handing his car keys over to his daughter. She is shown to be having a tough time getting used to driving, which is when her dad produces a bottle of coca-cola. Now, this enlivens her spirits and she kicks off confidently.

The very moment this clip hit the internet, one media after the other took up to slam it – something worth for the critics to munch on for a while.

Some people lashed out at the company, finding them too incognitant to have used women’s rights for their commercial gain.

People also found it “as bad as”the #Pepsi ad, starring Kendall Jenner.

Well, not everyone seemed gruesome, unlike others, some did feel the ad was indeed brilliant – “Step away from misogyny”a user quoted.

On an exculpatory note, Omar Bennis, who is the public affairs director of Coco-cola, Middle East, makes clear that the ad was a part of celebrating women empowerment which would be aired in Saudi and not in the U.S.