At the Beijing International Book Fair, China Renmin University Press announced that it would be releasing a translation of The Big Reset by Dutch author Willem Middelkoop. The book was first published in Europe by Amsterdam University Press and it has enjoyed some significant popularity since then.

The book is a popular treatise on world economics and currency stability. The main claim of the author is that the U.S dollar is in trouble and a collapse of the world’s default currency is imminent. His belief is that the world currency system will one day depend on gold and that the United States has secretly taken steps to prevent such a conversion.

His book predicts a dramatic change in world economics that many of the largest nations are already planning and preparing for. Whether he is right or wrong is still a matter of debate, but the book has hit a nerve with readers around the world. One thing that many potential readers should note is that Middelkoop has been a proponent of gold investing for years and that he does have a financial interest in gold markets.

Matthias Wahls, an independent publishing consultant hired by Middelkoop, facilitated the sale of publishing rights for the book to CRUP. The pair expects the Chinese release to do well and they have hopes to expand its reach to other countries with Wahls saying, “I expect some more positive news in the near future since I have met a great deal of interest from a variety of countries like Russia, Poland, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Turkey, India, and other Asian countries, such as South Korea.”

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With a Chinese release imminent, it looks like the popular economics book is set to reach an even larger audience and it is expected to be well received by Chinese readers. Concerning his views on the sale, Middelkoop said, “I am very proud to have signed a contract for a Chinese version of The Big Reset with a leading Chinese University here in Beijing today.  It underlines the new and important role China takes within the power structures (IMF, etc.) working on the design of the next phase for the current financial system. I want to thank AUP and Matthias Wahls who worked hard to achieve this.”