The following is a snippet from Dr Chee Soon Juan’s speech at the Bukit Batok by-election rally on May 1.
“Up until now, I have never, never brought up the issue about what his sister, Lee Wei Ling said about him. You can search for it online or anywhere else. But you won’t find anything I said about the incident because I never made any. I had ample opportunity to attack him on this. But I did not. And it would have been a very potent attack because this is not your political opponent saying it. It is your own flesh and blood making these statements about you.
Now, I want you all to imagine. If it had been my sister saying these things about me, what do you think would have happened? Do you think the PAP would have gone to town with this? Do you think that all the newspapers, channel 5, channel 8, Channel NewsAsia would all have running this news with the reporters camped outside my house – camped outside my sister’s house – for days and weeks, trying to add fuel to the fire. And then interviewed SDP members, interviewed my friends, interviewed my former classmates, interviewed my teachers to prolong the saga. And make sure that every man and woman, and boy and girl in Singapore knew about the matter.
I bring up this incident because I want to show you that even though I had the perfect opportunity I refrained from using Dr Lee Wei Ling’s dispute with her brother. Because that’s not the kind of politics I want to engage in.
And even though I did not attack Mr Lee, he has no hesitation in continuing to disparage me.
I may not agree with his policies or his political ideas, but I would not attack him on such a personal level.”