Singapore – An argument ensued between a bus captain and passenger when the passenger refused to wear a mask and told the bus captain “It was his life.”

On Tuesday (July 21), Facebook page All Singapore Stuff uploaded a video with a caption, “Never wear mask in public transport still want to argue with bus captain ‘It’s my life’… what sort of selfish CB reasoning is this?” The 37-second video showed a passenger getting into an argument with the bus captain after the latter advised him to put on a mask.

The video began with the bus captain saying he had been watching the passenger through the mirror and noted he was pulling down his mask for extended periods. “It’s my life,” replied the passenger. “I know it’s your life,” said the bus captain in return. “But this is the law.” The passenger commented he would follow the law if the bus captain told him so nicely, which the bus driver confirmed he was doing all along. The passenger mentioned “the sound” somewhere in his statements presumably implying on the tone of the bus driver’s words.

Members from the online community noted it’s due to “this kind of irresponsible people that the number of cases keeps going up in Singapore.” They shared the same sentiments that while it “was the life of the passenger,” once he was on public transport, he becomes responsible for other people’s lives as well.

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Photo: FB screengrab/All Singapore Stuff
Photo: FB screengrab/All Singapore Stuff

Facebook user Daschel Lim commented that the bus driver was also not wearing a mask to which a few replied that he was probably trying to make himself clear while he talked. They added that the bus captain pulled back his mask at the end of the video.

Photo: FB screengrab/All Singapore Stuff
Photo: FB screengrab/All Singapore Stuff

Many urged the bus operators to give their drivers the authority to deny entry to passengers who choose to disobey the law. “Most of the time they were unable to do so to avoid complaints or feedback from passengers,” said Facebook user Lilisuryani Pe’ ah. Another netizen mentioned taxi drivers were already given the same directive and could refuse passengers not wearing masks.

Photo: FB screengrab/All Singapore Stuff
Photo: FB screengrab/All Singapore Stuff
Photo: FB screengrab/All Singapore Stuff

In response to the incident, concerned citizens are expecting the passenger to be taken to task given the CCTV camera inside the bus, which serves as sufficient evidence. The bus driver was also advised by others to drive straight to the police station and drop the man off there because it appeared as if there was no use arguing.

Photo: FB screengrab/All Singapore Stuff
Photo: FB screengrab/All Singapore Stuff
Photo: FB screengrab/All Singapore Stuff