Singapore – While most will run for their lives at the sight of a cockroach (especially those with wings), this “auntie” was a hero without the traditional cape.

In a video uploaded to All Singapore Stuff Facebook page on May 30 (Thursday) by netizen Mirza, an auntie was seen waging war with countless cockroaches in her neighbourhood. Her weapon of choice? Baygon.

The area seemed to have recently undergone fumigation as there were numerous cockroaches around, dead and alive.

Those that were alive and kicking, however, had nowhere to run because auntie “pestbuster” was out to spray them all.

“Attack them, attack them, attack them,” cheered Mirza in the video.

“Attack, it’s everywhere, attack them!”

The auntie, who probably got distracted from her grocery shopping based on the plastic bag she was holding, relentlessly sprayed Baygon all over her surroundings.

“Pestbuster. The new pestbuster,” said Mirza in respect.

One cockroach started up her foot but she remained unfazed. She simply flicked off her sandal, sent the pest scurrying off, but not before another blast of Baygon.

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Mirza continued to cheer auntie on. “Attack, auntie, come on. They’re gonna go to your legs.”

The video was cut and returned to the scene with a man trying to convince the auntie to stop. He was gesturing to a nearby rubbish shoot.

The conversation could not be heard; however, Mirza added his commentary, “Cannot, cannot, auntie, you see? The guy is stopping her from doing that.”

“Ah, you see? The guy is scolding her, ‘Don’t do that, don’t do that, don’t be a hero.’ Haiyah.”

The video ended with a worker, the pestbuster’s sidekick perhaps, a broom in hand, who started sweeping away the cockroaches.

Watch the video here

Netizens shared their appreciation for the auntie with some even offering to supply her with Baygon so she could continue her heroic work.

Photo: FB screengrab
Photo: FB screengrab
Photo: FB screengrab


ByHana O