Teen blogger Amos Yee, jailed twice in his Singapore for posting political and religious criticism online, is in need of relocation funds, and his lawyers are raising these funds through a fund portal and he is getting a lot of attention for that.

Amos Yee has been granted asylum in the United States on 24th March 2018 and despite this, he is still being held and detained by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

In the past several weeks since he was transferred from McHenry County jail to Dodge County detention center, he did spend a lot on international phone calls to his mother in Singapore.

Amos’s lawyer Sandra Grossman and her team incurred travel costs to and from Chicago (from D.C./Maryland area which is where she’s based) which have yet to be covered. Her firm generously offered pro bono services to Amos but we’d like to cover their travel and filing fees.

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There’s also some tax liabilities for the folks who set up his previous gofundme.com account (which raised a total of $4,000) that isn’t covered by the funds yet.

And furthermore, we are now arranging the logistics of picking Amos up n the middle of rural Wisconsin and driving him all the way to suburban Illinois near Urbana-Champaign where he will be living with a temporary host.

Amos’s asylum case is far from over. The Department of Homeland Security has time to appeal his asylum decision, and if they do, his case could drag on for years, which puts him in limbo.
