After a hiatus of about nine months, delinquent young adult Amos Yee has once again surfaced from the depths of the Internet where he defends and associates himself with pedophiles. Last week, Yee got into a spat with another YouTuber where he said, “’I might be a pedophile but at least I’m not RUDE”.

Yee, now 20 years-old, made a video in response to a YouTuber known as June, where he said, “The general sense I’m getting from June was that she does not want to engage in discussions on the topic, with such people (pedophiles)”.

June Nicole Lapine, better known online as Shoe0nHead, is a YouTuber who does vlog style rants and discussions about social, political and gender issues.

June introduces Amos with his infamous defense that “if a child crawls towards your ding-dong (genitals), that counts as consent”.

She also adds in to her video portions of Yee speaking and defending pedophiles.

Yee noted, “Immediately, there is a huge portion of the pedophile community that tries to defend sexual acts with babies. I do not want to associate with them. I think that defending sexual acts with babies is obviously extremely bad”.

Lapine terms this as progress, but then her video immediately cuts to this shocker that Yee throws in: “I feel that only at around the age of four are children perhaps able to consent to sexual acts”.

“Even from the ages of four to seven I think that is only a really small minority, and only perhaps gifted children are able to consent”, Yee adds.

According to Amos Yee, “For children aged 12 and above, it is extremely clear that they are perfectly able to consent to sexual acts”.

Yee also says that if acts of pedophilia are penalized just on the basis of age alone, both the child and the adult are harmed because “the adult is completely innocent, and the child, well, the trauma of having their adult lover taken away from him”.

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Lapine goes on an angry rant throughout her video, that Yee does not seem to make any sense with his shocking comments.

A rather curious point that arose from Yee’s responses though, is that it remains unclear as to whether Amos actually is a pedophile, or if he simply claims to be one for media attention and the disapproving public. During the course of his video, he did not always refer to pedophiles as ‘us’, but refers to the group as ‘them’. The latter term excludes himself from the community of pedophiles and could possibly be a Freudian slip.

TISG has tried to contact Yee, and has also reached out to his mother, Mary Toh for comment.

June’s full video can be seen here. /TISG

Read related: Amos Yee is now apparently offering lessons on pedophilia