SINGAPORE — A resident took to social media with photos of her cracked ceiling, appearing to be at a loss as to what to do about it after she already alerted the authorities. She posted photos of her ceiling, which not only had cracks but actual chunks missing. Netizens, however, told her that repairs to her ceiling plaster should come out of her own pocket.

“HDB flat ceiling cracked and dropped. Tried reaching to HDB, all you could do is do a e-feedback and wait 14 days for a response. In the mean time I shall be waiting for more to drop and maybe kill me before anyone from HDB respond,” wrote a Ms Tsu Peng on the popular COMPLAINT SINGAPORE Facebook page on Friday (Feb 3).

The Independent Singapore has reached out to Ms Tsu for further comment.

Some commenters on the post were sympathetic toward Ms Tsu.

“Though its plastering or owner responsibility, hdb should show concern,” wrote one.

When other commenters suggested reaching out to the Town Council, she answered that the TC has asked her to contact HDB.

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Many netizens, however, reminded her that this type of repair to her ceiling is part of her responsibility as a homeowner.

Some offered helpful information about plastering and painting to Ms Tsu.

One even assured her, “this just outer ceiling coated paint. Dun worry it won’t kill u even dropped on u head.”

Ms Tsu thanked one netizen for helpful information about her problem.

The most common causes of ceiling cracks are structural damage and natural wear and tear as buildings age, although occasionally poor workmanship may cause damage as well.

And while most ceiling cracks are cosmetic rather than structural, it is always good to have such issues looked at by a professional in order to evaluate the cause and extent of the damage, as well as determine what the necessary fix is. /TISG

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