Local activist Jolovan Wham has suggested that the Ministry of Manpower start issuing work permits for sex workers.
Linking an article that reports on how New Zealand has added prostitution to the list of employment skills for potential immigrants, Wham recalled a case he helped with in the past. Wham recounted that a sex worker from China, who had been robbed by her client after they had sex, sought his help.
When Wham accompanied the woman to the police station to lodge a complaint, the officer allegedly threatened to arrest the woman for soliciting and Wham had to step in and prevented the officer from arresting the woman.
Wham advocated on Facebook yesterday evening: “Sex work IS work. Singapore Ministry of Manpower should start issuing work permits for migrant sex workers. Sex work is like all other types of work and we should not be judgemental.”
He added: “It is only when we regulate and legalise sex work that we can combat sex trafficking more effectively and see real improvement in HIV rates. It will also protect them from abuse, violence and exploitation.”
Prostitution itself is not illegal in Singapore but prostitution-related activities such as public solicitation, living on the earnings of a prostitute and maintaining a brothel are criminalised.