What one mother may have meant to be an “awww” moment for a young boy was strongly criticized online. People expressed that allowing a small child to “drive” a car—or even sit on a parent’s lap with their hands on the steering wheel—is very dangerous indeed. A 44-second video originally posted over IG stories and then shared on the SGRV Facebook page went viral, but for the wrong reasons.

It first shows a little boy and his mum walking hand in hand in a carpark. Ironically, the words “Baby and mummy secured,” are written across the first part of the video. The scene then cuts to the boy sitting on what is presumably one of his parents’ laps, driving down the street.



Indeed, riding in a car with a child on your lap, let alone driving, is dangerous. Small children should be seated in a car or booster seats and safely buckled in, with special seatbelts made for them.

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The following is part of Honda’s safety reminders:

“Never hold a baby or child on your lap when riding in a car. If you are wearing your seat belt, the violent forces created during a crash will tear the child from your arms. The child could be seriously hurt or killed.

If you are holding a child and not wearing a seat belt in a crash, you could crush the child against the inside of the car.

Never put your seat belt over yourself and a child. During  a crash, the belt  could press deep into the child and cause serious internal injuries.”

Netizens drew attention to the dangers of what the family was doing.

Some said the family should get ready to find themselves in trouble with the traffic police and the law.


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