Han Hui Hui

Han Hui Hui who conducted a protest at Hong Lim Park on Saturday 27 September 2014, posted a message on her Facebook page rebutting criticisms about her conduct. She has also raised several points contesting the legality of holding the YMCA event at Hong Lim Park. In an email to TISG Ms Han asked,

“Why did Nparks approve YMCA, a Christian Association holding an event at Hong Lim Park?”

She has also denied in her email that she “heckled the event” and questioned the authenticity of the officers who approached her.

We have republished her entire email in this article.

Do you agree with her? Leave your comment below.

1. Should YMCA be allowed to organise an event at Hong Lim Park?

According to Nparks “relates, directly or indirectly, to any religious belief or to religion generally” are not allowed.

Why did Nparks approve YMCA, a Christian Association holding an event at Hong Lim Park?

2. Must we have a tent before giving speeches at Hong Lim Park?

According to the officers, they have tents and so we have to leave.

Does it mean that we can’t give speeches if we do not have tents or are we like 1st world democratic countries where the government provide resources for protest organisers and have police to help assist the protests?

3. Why did the organiser of YMCA not come out to negotiate?

The moment I arrived at Hong Lim Park, I was confronted by officers.

When I asked for the organiser to come out to negotiate, they refused and chose to publish statements against me via the newspapers instead.

4. How can the Nparks officer revoke approval at the very last minute when all speakers and volunteers have arrived?

When the Nparks officer came, he did not show any documents but only a name card without any face, what if he’s another Yang Yin?

The Commissioner of Parks and Recreation did not give any letter or document to say that I am not allowed to organise any event at Hong Lim Park.

5. Are they impersonator or liars?

Under the PSIA (Cap 250A) Private Security Industry (Private Investigation and Security Agencies) Regulations 2009, Regulation 20 states that where a licensed private investigator or a licensed security officer is deployed for duties, he shall carry his ID card at all times while he is on duty.

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However, the ID card does not confer any legal or statutory powers to the holder and is merely a mean of identification purposes, the security agency or employer must still check the enquiry module to confirm the status of a security officer or private investigator.

6. Why did the Nparks officer said to revoke my rights to protest after we agreed to move?

Our event was supposed to be at 4pm and right after we told the sound system people that we will move to the other side, he came and said he wanted to ask the police to arrest me.

If he did not say that he’s going to ask the police to arrest me then wouldn’t I have immediately spoke through the microphone and would people gather around me to prevent me from being taken away?

7. Did YMCA postpone their event on purpose so that their participants can take part in the protest?

We’ve already prepared all the evidence to prove that YMCA’s event was a short one and they indeed postponed it but we are grateful about it.

Precisely they postponed it and their participants actually joined in our march as well as chanted with us.

8. Why must YMCA hold their event at Hong Lim Park when they have other alternatives?

Since a protest can only be held in Hong Lim Park, we have no choice but for an event like YMCAs they could and did use another venue last year so why do they need to use Hong Lim Park?

If every organisation is encouraged to hold their events at Hong Lim Park, what’s the purpose of designating Hong Lim Park as the only place where Singaporeans can protest?

9. Are we hackling the event?

We did not hackle their event but we’re shocked at how YMCA pushed the children out when we were near the stage so we went off immediately as shown in Yahoo’s video.

It’s heartening to see YMCA’s volunteers and participants turned to listen to our speeches and shouted in unity with us.

10. Are we politicalising events?

We have never said YMCA belongs to PAP, we merely said the grassroots came out just like how the Nparks and police came too.

Do you think YMCA, Nparks, police and grassroots are working for PAP?

Source: https://www.facebook.com/HanHuiHui