Cost-cutting measures should save you money for now and in the long run. But sometimes, you buy at a fantastic bargain only to end up with a worse problem later on. So even if you’re penny-pinching, plan to spend extra money on these seven items.

1. Healthy Food

You can’t live on lard and noodles every day! Never sacrifice your nutritional needs. Make sure you are eating enough veggies and fruits, so you do not have to face exorbitant health issues later on.

2. Retirement

A retirement fund literally pays for your future. Contribute to your nest egg as much and as often as possible, so you would have enough when you are old and gray.

3. Home repairs and maintenance

As a general rule, any damage in the home could lead to a bigger problem that could break the bank. Solve these problems right away.

Don’t ignore leaking pipes. Water can cause rot and mold, and these damages are expensive to fix later on. Besides, it depreciates the value of your home.

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Conduct aircon maintenance every six months. A professional will remove the condensate drain in your unit, check refrigerant level, and clean any dirty coils and fixtures. If left alone, it will cause premature wear and tear on the components, affecting your aircon’s efficiency.

Related: How to Combat the Rise in Water Prices with 9 Simple Hacks

4. Preventive medicine

Medical and dental check-ups are akin to maintaining your home. The more you are aware of your state of health, the more you can help yourself in preventing diseases.

Related: Do You Need Health Insurance, Even with MediShield Life?

5. Safety gear

Infant car seats, helmets, protective shoes and other items that protect your life are worth your while. When accidents happen, we don’t want any injury or death resulting from a poor purchasing decision.

6. Toilet Paper

Cheap, dual-ply toilet paper is throwing money down the drain, literally. It has fewer fibers, so you end up using more sheets. You don’t want your stash to run out quickly, so opt for three- or four-ply toilet paper and always buy in bulk.

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7. Mattresses

You spend a third of your day in bed, and a good night’s sleep makes a big difference. It’s worth investing in a mattress that will protect your back, and help you rest in comfort.

Bottomline – know when cutting corners will devalue your assets, and risk your life and health.

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Source: BankBazaar