SINGAPORE: Singaporeans are turning to artificial intelligence (AI) for shopping recommendations, according to a recent study conducted by McCann Worldgroup Singapore.

Singapore Business Review reported that the study, which surveyed 2,035 individuals and conducted 11 in-depth interviews, found that half of Singaporeans are open to developing relationships with AI, viewing it as a valuable tool in the tech-driven landscape of the city-state.

However, many Singaporeans still prefer human interaction to AI assistance when it comes to health and personal well-being.

Approximately 22% of respondents preferred seeking health advice from humans rather than AI-assisted programs, with 14% favouring human professionals for diagnosis and therapeutic counselling.

Despite this preference for human interaction in certain areas, the study revealed a significant reliance on AI for shopping recommendations among Singaporeans.

65% indicated a likelihood of approaching AI for shopping recommendations, surpassing figures observed in neighbouring countries such as Indonesia (64%) and China (60%).

In addition, the study highlighted that 73% of Singaporeans turn to the Internet to explore different viewpoints.

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McCann Worldgroup Singapore noted the significance of these findings, highlighting:

While Singapore is embracing the global technological transformation, the erosion of humanness and interpersonal bonds is an impending problem, as Singaporeans seek non-traditional ways of interaction, enabled by technology.”

Despite these concerns, most Singaporeans (81%) believe that “the future is AI.” Respondents believe those still not studying AI are at risk of being left behind. /TISG

Read also: Tan See Leng: Those who embrace AI & tech will displace those who don’t

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