So here’s a pop quiz which any Singaporean should know the answers to:

  1. If you write about the CPF and gahmen don’t like, what happens to you?
  2. If you write blog post about some old and dead former prime minister and gahmen don’t like, what happens to you, even if you are a young person?
  3. If you are late in paying funds into your town council Sinking Fund, what happens to you?
  4. If you report story about a ministry’s dispute with an inventor, and gahmen don’t like, what happens to you?
  5. If you write blog post about Chief Justice and gahmen don’t like, what happens to you?
  6. If you’re an Opposition MP and you have an affair, how are you treated by the govt and its media?


  1. If you let the number one terrorist suspect in Southeast Asia escape, not once but twice, what happens to you?
  2. If you allow a hepatitis C outbreak take place and people die, what happens to you?
  3. If you build a Sports Hub and there are numerous problems which cause Singapore international embarrassment, what happens to you?
  4. If your public train service keeps breaking down, affecting hundreds of thousands of people, what happens to you?
  5. If your housing policy leads to runaway public housing prices, affecting tens of thousands of people, what happens to you?
  6. If you provide medication to an inmate which leads to her dying of an overdose, what happens to you?
  7. If you manhandle an inmate which leads to his death, what happens to you?
  8. If you ignore safety SOPs which lead to the death of an NSman, what happens to you?
  9. If you are a Young PAP member and you post racist comments online, what happens to you?
  10. If you’re a PAP MP and you have an affair, how are you treated by the govt and its media?
See also  Singapore Prime Minister's annual salary jumps from $42,000 to $2.2 million within 50 years

The answers are a the result of ‪#‎OWNSELFCHECKOWNSELF‬.

Republished from Andrew Loh’s Facebook.