It is that time of the year again – when the GSS comes knocking and you change from a reasonable budgeted person and transform into this uncontrollable shopping fiend with no objectivity.

Here are some tips to help you stay sane this year.

10 Commandments to Shop Better During the GSS

1. I will not be gullible

Remember last year when you bought that pretty bed spread at the GSS only to figure out later that what you paid for it was actually its regular price, anyway?

That happens to the gullible lot – you march your trusting selves to the sale expecting ‘genuine’ discounts all the time. However, some retailers simply mark up an item and remove the markup for the Great Singapore Sale!

Or perhaps the discount is frequently available all year round and it’s not particularly cheaper during the GSS.

What you can do:

If you know what you want to buy, then keep yourself informed about the approximate rates of that particular product during the run up to the GSS. Spotting a retailer offering a fake discount will then be super easy.

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2. I will not make a fashion faux-pas

Well, not a literal fashion faux pas. Stores that sell fashion items often put ranges from older seasons on discount at the GSS. What you don’t realise is that these clothes will still be on sale even after the GSS.

What you can do:

Check store websites for the latest range, and keep your clothes budget for a store that is offering its latest stuff on sale.

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3. I will not be sucked into the bulk buy trap

Buying bundled stuff is obviously cheaper, but sometimes the extra numbers you end up with are wasted because you won’t actually use them. The hoarded stuff expires and you end up wasting money instead of having saved it on a seemingly clever bundled deal.

What you can do:

Learn to differentiate between stuff that should be bought in bulk and things that will be wasted if bought in bulk.

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4. I will not buy just because it is on sale

The Great Singapore Sale is actually a test in will power – will you buy something JUST because it is on sale? Or will you resist the temptation and head to only those stores that are on your list? It is fun to walk around and buy stuff on impulse, but that’s if you’re one of the lucky few who doesn’t operate on a budget. For a person on a budget, that aimless walk into retail heaven can be very expensive.

What you can do:

Make a list of what you need, and follow that list! You could also evaluate deals across malls to get the best prices instead of fishing out your card at the first store you come across. Another important thing to remember is that in Singapore, there is a major sale every other month, so the GSS is not the end of the world when it comes to picking up a discounted item.

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5. I will make the most of my cards this year

Discounts are good, and more discounts are even better. Work out which credit card gives you the most discounts on which item, store or category, use them accordingly, and you will get rebates in addition to the GSS discounts! Other than discounts, some cards also offer complimentary parking and interest free instalments for big ticket purchases.

What you can do:

Arm yourself with a great cashback card like the Standard Chartered Unlimited Cashback Card so that you save as you spend. Read our review of the Standard Chartered Unlimited Cashback Card here.

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You could use shopping cards like the Citi Rewards Card or OCBC Titanium Rewards Card, which both give 10X points for clothes, bags, and shoes shopping online or offline. This is equivalent to 4 miles/dollar. For electronics and gadgets, the OCBC Titanium Rewards Card has an edge over other cards as it gives 10X points on your spends.

Planning on an expensive purchase at the GSS? Get a credit card like the UOB Lady’s Platinum Card with its Lady’s LuxePay Plan that will stagger your expense over a few months in an interest free instalment plan.

Read also: What You Need to Know About Your Credit Card’s 0% Interest Instalment Plans

6. I will make a budget this year

Even the healthiest of shopping budgets have a way of evaporating without your knowledge. That happens when the GSS and an unorganized shopper without a budget are combined!

What you can do:

As tempting as it may be, don’t spend all your money at one place. Budget yourself, and divide your money into categories so that you can keep track of how much you have spent and what you are left with. A good shopper does justice to the entire shopping list!

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7. I will not jump off the wagon

For some people, shopping is like an addiction, and the true test of a friendship can be had at the GSS. If you fall off the wagon because you went shopping with enablers, consider that friendship over!

What you can do:

Call up that tight-fisted friend for the GSS rounds. You will get high on retail, but not enough to fall off the wagon!

8. I will not be blindsided this year

A very clever trick that retailers play on you is to discount an item to its tempting best and then bundling it with accessories at a higher markup. You may or may not need the accessories, and sometimes the discounted item is useless without them. So you’re left with no choice but to actually pay more than the usual without even knowing it.

What you can do:

Be smart; keep a track on the final bill instead of that one discounted item that is misleading you. Or, simply check the next store – they might not be looking at fleecing you.

9. I will be patient this year

GSS discounts vary, and like all other sales, usually increase as the sale proceeds. Customers are often afflicted by the mentality that the item of their choice might get ‘sold out’, but more often than not, stocks are refilled and last till the final days of the sale.

What you can do:

Be patient, and wait for the lucrative final day discounts. That’s when you are likely to get yourself some really great deals!

10. I will look out for credit card promotions

Leading up to the Great Singapore Sale, there will usually be promotions run by banks, offering to reward you with gifts when you spend a certain amount.

What you can do:

If you’re planning to spend, be sure to check out all your bank’s websites to see if there are such promotions. Most times, you need to register your card in advance before you can qualify for the gift.

Do you have other smart shopping tips, honed from years of shopping experience? Share them with us on Facebook!

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Source: BankBazaar