The current events in Malaysia seem to have sparked memes that joke about how some Singaporeans may be eagerly waiting for the exchange rate to change. Ah yes, how much will be 1 SGD to MYR? (As some may type on the web browser to check the exchange rate in a hurry.)
On Monday (Nov 22) two specific news threads on an online Singapore news forum set off a buzz. The posts shared memes about the current political and economic issues faced by Malaysia, showing Malaysians to be concerned about their country’s state of affairs and some Singaporeans more concerned about the exchange rate. Ah yes, that 1 SGD to MYR, the Malaysian ringgit.
Many online users responded to the post with their two cents on the matter. While some made lighthearted jokes, others defended the gravity of the situation in Malaysia, urging Singaporeans to be as concerned as Malaysians, given how the two nations are connected.
Joking about 1 SGD to 4 MYR did not go down well with everyone.
“How many of us have friends and family in Malaysia? I know I have quite a few” wrote one online user. “Joking about 1:4….is in poor taste, especially seeing what Malaysians are undergoing now. That 1:4 will adversely affect your friends and family in Malaysia, and eventually, those adverse effects are gonna come traipsing through the checkpoints down to Singapore.”
“In my honest view, Malaysia is going through even more turbulent times,” wrote another. “And their changes do have a significant impact on Singapore in the long run beyond just exchange rates. Their country is more divided than ever.”
The online user also urged Singaporeans to practise more empathy for their neighbours. “So to my fellow Singaporeans, do show some empathy and not just throw “oh 1:4″. It does seem like a joke to you, but to them, it’s their lives. And the worst part of it all–there are cases on social media inciting violence against certain racial groups. You may say, oh that won’t happen… But again, it just takes a small spark and the whole forest could be burned down. I am a Singaporean and it really saddens me that they are going through this stage. Side note, I am watching this closely because it does affect us, unfortunately…”
Check 1 SGD to MYR on your web browser if you must, but it’s not something to be taken lightly.