The Workers’ Party was out in full force on National Day (Aug 9), with MPs, members, and volunteers turning up at various activities, including distributing mini flags in different parts of Singapore.

To MP Jamus Lim (Sengkang GRC), who recently returned from a fellowship at Stanford University, the flag distribution not only “brought much joy to our young residents,” but also stands for so much more.

“They represent our passing on of the values we treasure as a nation: peace and progress, justice and equality. Happy national day to all!” he wrote.

Photo: FB screengrab/jamuslim

His fellow Sengkang MP, Ms He Ting Ru, wrote that it was “Good to see more residents out and about this year, especially since we had more muted events over the last 2 years. Here’s to many many happy years more, Singapore!”

Photo: FB screengrab/hetingru

Flags were distributed by the WP across WP wards at Aljunied GRC, Hougang SMC, and Sengkang GRC, as well as East Coast GRC and Marine Parade GRC, where party members have been active on the ground.

Photo: FB screengrab/theworkersparty
Photo: FB screengrab/theworkersparty
Photo: FB screengrab/theworkersparty
Photo: FB screengrab/theworkersparty
Photo: FB screengrab/theworkersparty

Amid the celebrations, the WP secretary-general had sober words in his National Day Message, acknowledging the difficulties of these times.

“In echoes of our early years, our over-reliance on foreign labour inputs, shortage of globally competitive local businesses, astronomical housing prices and high inflation present challenges to younger Singaporeans achieving their dreams.

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Working Singaporeans also have to contend with stiff global competition and all the pressures of modern life which place a strain on their financial resources and mental health,” he wrote.

Nevertheless, he added reassuringly that “Workers’ Party MPs have advanced proposals in Parliament to help Singaporeans cope with the high cost of living and other issues of concern.

These proposals include using macroeconomic tools to mitigate inflation, making housing, medical treatment, and transport more affordable, improving preventive health, breaking the poverty cycle, co-creating a stronger response to the climate emergency, empowering women to achieve their full potential and making our justice system more accessible.”

“We must navigate the path ahead with a sense of purpose and unity as fellow Singaporeans, even as we share many diverse aspirations and dreams. With a collective effort, we will be able to overcome today’s challenges to build Singapore into the nation we want it to be.”


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