Jamus Lim

SINGAPORE — This year’s Chinese New Year’s celebrations may still not match those from pre-pandemic years, but it was good to be out and about celebrating the holiday with fun get-togethers.

Some Workers’ Party leaders shared in the fun times, with Sengkang MPs Louis Chua and Jamus Lim showing their lighter side, as seen in the WP’s TikTok videos. First, Mr Chua was seen in the 8-greetings-in-8-seconds CNY challenge. Taken by surprise, he managed to get out five greetings.

Laughing, he then went on to challenge Assoc Prof Lim, saying “Jamus, Jamus” and pointing in his fellow MP’s direction. “Do you think Jamus can best Louis’ record? Stay tuned! Take on the 8in8 and share it too! #wpsg #workerspartysg #cny2023,” reads the TikTok’s caption.


Do you think Jamus can best Louis record? Stay tuned! Take on the 8in8 and share it too! #wpsg #workerspartysg #cny2023

♬ original sound – The Workers’ Party 🔨 – The Workers’ Party 🔨

Mr Chua later posted the video on his own Facebook page, asking followers to do the challenge with their family and friends. As for Assoc Prof Lim, he beat Mr Chua’s record, but by only one greeting, getting six greetings within eight seconds.

Like Mr Chua, he was surprised and said, “Wah…cannot eh” at first. But he was encouraged to “Just try your best,” which he gamely endeavoured to do. “Happy Bunny Year! Try the 8in8 challenge and spread the cheers! #wpsg #workerspartysg #cny2023.”


Happy Bunny Year! Try the 8in8 challenge and spread the cheers! #wpsg #workerspartysg #cny2023

♬ original sound – The Workers’ Party 🔨 – The Workers’ Party 🔨

What Assoc Prof Lim managed to do, however, was juggle three oranges and deliver Lunar New Year greetings. Sharing the video, Assoc Prof Lim wrote, “Happy Lunar New Year to all! 新年快乐!


#ChineseNewYear greetings to everyone! 祝大家兔年大吉,万事如意,兔然发财!

♬ original sound – The Workers’ Party 🔨 – The Workers’ Party 🔨

(Juggling is one of those mostly-useless skills you pick up to impress your nephews and nieces while you’re in grad school, but evidently it comes in handy for greeting videos too),” he added. /TISG

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