Torn between her boyfriend and her three tweenage children, a divorcée is at a loss as to what to do when her new love says he does not want the children.

Wanting advice on what she should do, she posted her plea anonymously to the popular confessions Facebook page NUSWhispers on  Wednesday.

She reveals that she has three ‘tweens’. A tween (pre-teen) is between childhood and adolescence, somewhere between nine and 12 years old.

She explains that while she and her boyfriend were planning for the future, he told her he does not want her children to live with them. He does not mind having them stay over once or twice a week but nothing more.

“No living in neighbouring units, no dual-key condos, not on the same block or neighbouring block in case the tweens keep coming to disturb us in the future,” she wrote.

He told her, she says,  that the  children would need to live at least a few bus-stops away from them, otherwise, she should hand them over to her ex-husband to care for.

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“What should I do? I cannot bear to leave my tweens”, the woman wrote.

Netizens who commented on her post told the woman  in no uncertain terms that she should leave the man. They asked: Did she wanta partner who would desert her children and not care for them?

Here’s what they said: