A woman who broke up with a guy she thought was bad for her found that she still could not let go of the relationship.

In an anonymous post to popular confessions page SGWhispers, the woman wrote that she had been seeing the guy for a year and a half but broke up because they seemed to “bring out the worst in each other and have major unresolvable issues- quarrelling every week over silly lame things, calling it quits at least once a month and attempting to go thru with it, not being understanding to each other’s wants and needs, and jus overall, a bad fit due to circumstances”.

In her post, she added that she could not believe that their “tiring situation” even went on for so long.

The woman added that she was not sure how the guy felt but she could not let go. “Despite evaluating everything and knowing that this is the right choice to make, the feeling I have for him is still real and it still hurts a crazy lot”, the woman wrote in her post.

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She said that she knew the two of them should not be together and she shuddered at the thought of having to go through all of the issues again, but “I can’t seem to let it go and this feeling really sucks big time. Feels like a mental torture. I know it’s standard relationship fanfare and many have gone thru this phase”, she wrote.

The woman asked others for suggestions on healthy ways she could move on from the relationship.

Netizens who commented on the post advised her to focus on herself and to keep herself occupied.

Here’s what they said: