Singapore – A woman was caught on camera holding up a dog’s forelegs and forcing it to walk on its hind legs on May 4
She dragged the poodle by its forelegs for about 30 seconds.
The dog was struggling to keep pace with the woman.
At one point, the woman lifted the poodle, swung it off the ground, whacked and kicked the pet.
She finally let go of the dog’s forelegs and allowed the creature to walk normally on all fours.
The incident was seen by a woman living in the neighbourhood at 8.45 am.
The photos were later reposted on the Singapore Uncensored Facebook page.
Many such incidents are reported to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) in Singapore.
There are 80 to 90 reports of alleged animal cruelty every month on average, reported SPCA.
Such cases can be referred to the Animal & Veterinary Service (AVS) under the Animals and Birds Act.
Offenders may be fined up to S$15,000, jailed for up to 18 months, or both.
In a case of severe pet abuse in 2017, a man holding his poodle on a leash ran down 19 flights of stairs.
Banged against the wall, floor and stairs, the dog was severely injured. Eventually, the poodle was abandoned and died from its injuries.

His owner was given the maximum punishment of 18 months in prison for animal abuse and an additional two months for abandonment.
Phuong Le Ha is an intern at The Independent SG/TISG