SINGAPORE: A Singaporean woman took to social media on Thursday (Oct 3) to share that she canceled a date after the man she was supposed to meet started bragging about his family’s wealth. 

In her post on r/sgdatingscene, a Reddit forum, she explained that during one of their online conversations, the man proudly boasted that he didn’t need to work for the rest of his life thanks to his parents’ money. He even mentioned that ‘earning a salary wasn’t his goal, as money didn’t matter to him.’

“Well, being born with silver spoon is not a dealbreaker. But being a grown man who PROUDLY flaunt his parents wealth as a reason he doesn’t need to work hard is a dealbreaker,” she expressed. 

She emphasized that she has worked hard for everything she has in her life right now; therefore, she’s looking for someone who is at least on the same page when it comes to constantly learning, improving, and pushing themselves.

“Dude is satisfied with what he earns—never ask and never know how much—is fine. But that statement in quotation really shows how much different we are in life,” she added.

The woman also shared that she had canceled two other dates besides this one. One guy kept pressuring her to discuss topics she wasn’t comfortable with and even said, “You never think, do you?” Meanwhile, the other guy was too forward, texting her “I miss you” even though they hardly knew each other.

“Woah.. love bomb too soon. We are definitely not at that stage to say miss you. I am aware sometimes we got the attachment via text without meeting the person, but this is definitely not it. Dodged a bullet,” she said.

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“Guy is insecure deep down.”

In the comments section, one user said, “Red flag, so what if born with silver spoon, the moment his parents’ money run out, he won’t be able to brag about their wealth anymore.”

Another commented, “Guy is insecure deep down.”

A third expressed, “In all honesty that is better than being invested AND THEN getting flaked on. It would sting a little bit now but better earlier than later.”

Others cheered her on in her dating journey, expressing hopes that she would soon meet someone who aligns with her values. 

One user expressed, “Good luck to you. Trust your intuition! Remember, it’s better being single and happy, than being in a wrong relationship with the wrong person and unhappy. Your rightful partner is coming soon.”

Another remarked, “Sigh, demoralizing as it is, I hope you find the right one!”

Still, there were a few who suggested that she shouldn’t let her intuition or assumptions cloud her judgment next time.

One user pointed out, “How you vibe over text and how you vibe in person is totally different.”

Another explained, “Don’t be blinded by our intuition or assumption, be intentional with our questions to find out more about a person if we would like a long term relationship or life partner. There is no wrong on what kind of people we desire, so long we know we will not regret in the future.”

Read also: “Not sure what I have achieved for myself” – Singaporean feels lost because he has “no house, no spouse, and no kids”

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