
The following is a letter sent to Transitioning, a support site for retrenched PMETs.

I graduated in 2009 from UniSIM. Since then, I have been in 3 different jobs, each lasting about 1 year plus to 2 years. Each job ended in retrenchment, and now my resume looks horrible.

Every interviewer asks why I do not stay long in the company, asks why every previous job retrenched me.

My current job I took it desperately because I was out of job for 5 months (not long compared to others in your website). This is a totally new job scope different from my previous jobs.

Now I am really worried about my next career move (if I don’t get retrenched again) since all my jobs so far have no relevance to each other, each taken up due to a sense of desperation after retrenchment.

It is getting harder to explain to interviewers the big change in industries and the chain of retrenchments.