Volunteers from Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD) were trying to catch some female dogs for sterilisation last week, when they found 2 adorable puppies in the area as well.
On closer inspection however, the volunteers found that the puppies were infested with ticks and fleas of all shapes and sizes.
“Every inch of their body was caked with layers of wriggling ticks and fleas, which sent shivers down the spines of even the most seasoned of us,” Dr Siew Tuck Wah, the founder of SOSD said in his Facebook.
They have now been been deticked, and all cleaned up. Amazingly they did not develop tick fever and were also heartworm negative.
The puppies are two months old and have been named Linus (black) and Lucy (brown).
If you want to adopt Lucy and/or Linus, please go to:http://sosd.org.sg/adopt-a-dog/