Singapore sovereign wealth fund chief executive and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s wife. Ho Ching, appears to have recently written two separate poems – one on flooding in Singapore and the other on what people can do to reduce their environmental impact. Both poems were shared on her Facebook page, yesterday.
Ho Ching posted the first poem on flooding in Singapore around 9am as she shared a Facebook post by the Public Utilities Board informing the people of the agency’s inspections of drainage systems near construction sites as the Northeast Monsoon season nears.
Urging netizens to be prepared for a “wet wet monsoon” and “fast flash floods”, Ho Ching hoped that everyone would keep safe and well:
The second poem, on environmental impact, was published just after 12pm yesterday afternoon. Sharing an article by the Guardian on how global investors are calling on governments to take action to cut emissions, Ho Ching wrote: