By: Dr Chee Soon Juan
Tan Chuan-jin stands on shaky moral ground when he chides Alice Fong for berating a food-court cleaner. The Minister should address his PAP colleagues instead: Chan Chun Sing labels me a political failure, Grace Fu criticises me for not having a job, and Tan himself belittles my Hokkien.
It’s the kind of viciousness displayed by the PAP that breeds such ungracious behaviour in some Singaporeans. Alice Fong is not the first and she certainly won’t be the last to mimic the PAP‘s crassness. Government leaders who are constantly extolled in the media cannot do one thing and then preach something else to the public.

This is what I meant when I talked about character during the election: We don’t have to step on others to get ahead, we don’t stigmatise failure, and we don’t condemn those who are not like us.
Character is about lifting people up, not kicking them – especially when they are down. It certainly isn’t about saying one thing and then doing another.
Alice Fong demonstrated weak moral character. Hopefully, she will learn. The PAP?
当陈川仁责怪爱丽丝冯 (Alice Fong)在小贩中心无礼地训斥聋哑清洁工人的态度时, 他本身所站的道德基础,其实也是摇摇欲坠的。陈部长应该先行辅导他人民行动党的同事们:比如像是,陈振声嘲笑我是一个政治上的失败者,傅海燕则批评我没有固定性的工作,而陈川仁自己也贬低过我的福建话。有一些新加坡人,正就是因为人民行动党的部长们显示和抱持着这样邪恶无礼的行为,才有样学样。
爱丽丝冯 (Alice Fong)的品德不佳。但愿她还会去学习改善。但是人民行动党的部长们呢?

Republished from Dr Chee Soon Juan’s FB.
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