Singapore — An MRT passenger fully-covered in plastic has had people wondering how much they should do to protect themselves during the Covid-19 outbreak.

Singapore now has 75 confirmed cases of the virus, and the whole country has been on Dorscon code orange for almost a fortnight.

While the authorities have said surgical face masks are unnecessary unless one is ill, some people have been covering their faces and other parts of their bodies for added protection.

Some have been covering their heads with plastic bottles, their feet with plastic bags. In the absence of a face mask some have used cardboard and rubber bands as protection over the lower parts of their faces.

Read related: With face masks out of stock, Singaporeans resort to plastic bags, umbrellas, shawls and even underwear

The photo of the person fully covered in plastic, posted on crowdsourced Facebook page All Singapore Stuff, has left people wondering if that individual has gone too far. The person —it’s difficult to tell whether the gender is male or female — is not only covered in a plastic bag but is also wearing a surgical face mask, a cap, and additional sleeves for maximum protection and minimal exposure.

See also  Former NMP goes against Ho Ching's advise that even alcohol can be used to sanitise against COVID-19

A number of netizens commented that the person in the photo must have been full of fear. One said: “Scared until like that, might as well don’t go out, lol.”

Another said: So afraid why come out of house.

Amir Hks wrote: “This person is afraid to DIE. By wearing like this, I think she/he will DIE first. Hehehe”

One person pointed out the irony of the MRT being so crowded.

Others felt that it was very unsafe to wear a plastic sheet or bag in such a way and that the person was putting himself/herself at risk of hypoxia, which is the lack of oxygen for one’s body. The person may even be breathing in the carbon dioxide that had already been exhaled.

Others could barely believe the photo was real.

However, some people did defend the individual.