SINGAPORE: Syed Faaris Aydin, 17, who can be found as @AydinBlends on Instagram, went viral on TikTok almost a year ago when his friend posted a video of him giving haircuts in the school toilet. The TikTok amassed over half a million views and nearly 50,000 likes, and ever since then, Faaris has been fondly known as the ‘toilet magician’.
What started as a secret quest in the toilets of St. Andrew’s Secondary School soon became widely popularised among students and even teachers. Faaris recalls that although his teachers were surprised to see this side quest of his during school hours, they also gave him plenty of encouragement to go forward with his passion and never stopped him from using school grounds as a place to hone his skills.
With this newfound recognition as well as support from his teachers, Faaris stepped out of the toilets and started giving haircuts in public areas of the school, like the soccer field and common corridors as well. “My discipline master even said that one day he would want to try my services,” Faaris shared.
He has now progressed in all these areas and works in a professional setting where he can provide an even better quality of service to his trusting clients. Faaris also provides home-based haircut services for those who wish to experience his services from the comfort of their homes.
Faaris is known for his taper fades and buzzcuts, which are widely popular among the younger generation and can always accurately cater to what his clients are looking for.
After less than a year of rigorous practising, Faaris’ hard work and dedication now have him working at a local barbershop called ‘Close Up’, where he is pursuing hairstyling as a viable career option while balancing a full-time course at ITE.
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Faaris can be found at Close Up which is located at 209C Lavender Street. However, you must make an appointment with him through his Instagram page @AydinBlends beforehand.