Video: Slapped for cooking at 5am and waking housemate, who blames reaction on her ‘mild anxiety’

A woman who was cooking at 5am one day was shocked when her housemate slapped her for making too much noise.

Vestene Wong related in a  post on her own Facebook page on Tuesday what had happened to her last Sunday morning. She prefaced her recount by saying that she shared a house with three housemates; a woman who had a room on the ground floor and two men who stayed on the upper floor.

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Gender bias remains in SG workplaces, especially in science, tech sectors—new survey

A new survey is showing that in certain sectors in Singapore, such as engineering and science, the glass ceiling for women still exists. The reason for this is bias, which can either be conscious or unconscious. 

The survey was carried out by Indeed, a US-based worldwide employment website for job listings, the largest such site in the world.

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Alien UFO sighting over Bugis, Singapore?

A series of moving lights recently spotted over Bugis are leading some netizens to believe that, well, a UFO (or more than one) was behind the strange sight.

video of the strange occurrence spotted over Ibis Hotel and its immediate surroundings were posted on the Supernatural Confessions Facebook page on March 5, where it had been shared by Yenni Teh and CK Tan.

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Actor Kimberly Wang targeted by scammer in Paris, offers followers tips on staying safe

Before the pandemic, Paris drew more than 35 million visitors  a year and remains one of the world’s top tourist destinations even though travel curbs and border closures have worked their way through the world.

Unfortunately, it’s also a top draw for scammers and thieves looking to make a quick buck. As Singapore entertainer Kimberly Wang discovered on a recent visit to Europe, which took in Fashion Week in Paris and a maiden attempt at snow skiing.

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Maid wants transfer after employer’s children called her ‘stupid & damned helper’ but family says she either finishes contract or compensates them

In yet another case of a foreign domestic worker stuck in a rather abusive and unpleasant working environment, the helper in question tried to ask for a transfer out but was denied so by her employers unless she compensated them for the remaining days of her contract.

In a Facebook post to a group for helpers called FDW in Singapore (working conditions forum), the helper wrote on March 5 that she wanted the opinions of other employers and helpers in the group. She shared that she had been working with her employer for almost four years and would finish her second contract in three months’ time.

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