Maid insists going on holiday with her employer, says she’s scared to stay alone in their HDB


Newly arrived domestic helpers from Indonesia wait for their transportation to a maid agency after going through medical check in Singapore on March 6, 2012. Singapore’s decision to grant a mandatory weekly day off for foreign maids was welcomed by social workers and human rights groups, but some employers were unhappy. AFP PHOTO/ROSLAN RAHMAN (Photo by ROSLAN RAHMAN / AFP)

SINGAPORE — A foreign domestic helper tried to insist that her employers bring her along on their holiday citing that she would be afraid to stay alone in their HDB flat.

In an anonymous post to Facebook page FDW in Singapore (working conditions forum), the maid’s employer wrote that she and her family had planned a 3-day trip to their country of origin. She also added that, coincidentally, her helper was from the same country as well.

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NUS student thinks she’ll earn $10,000/month after graduation


Photo: YouTube screengrab/Torres Pit

SINGAPORE — Based on conversations with Mr Torres Pit, a Hong Kong resident who creates content on YouTube, students from the National University of Singapore expect to earn several thousand dollars after graduation.

In a Jan 26 video titled “(BEST University in Asia) Their Expected Salaries… | (亞洲最強大學!) 在新加坡國立大學畢業可以賺多少人工?? 原來不難考入!” Mr Torres speaks to a Business Administration student who says she thinks she will earn $10,000 monthly after graduating from NUS. A Philosophy major, she also says she has friends who expect to earn $9,000 a month, as well as a couple of Computer Science students who say they may earn between $5,000 and $6,000 after graduating.

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DJ Jade Rasif’s new discovery about toilet bidet; it’s ‘not meant for washing your private’ parts


Photo: IG screengrab/djjaderasif

SINGAPORE — In one of her Instagram stories, DJ Jade Rasif shared her recent discovery about Italian toilets, specifically their bidets. “I need to show you something about Italian toilets,” she eagerly stated in her story.

She found out that the bidet is not meant for washing a person’s private parts. She then activated the bidet and the water came out aggressively compared to how it is supposed to normally work.

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Singaporean woman living in the US but lost her job asks ‘Would you pick SG or US to raise a child?’


Photo: freepik/jcomp (for illustration purposes only)

SINGAPORE — A Singaporean woman living in the United States recently lost her job. She’s been thinking about moving back to Singapore since she became a mum and asked Reddit users on Sunday (Feb 5) whether they would choose Singapore or the US to raise a child.

The woman explained that her husband is an American and their child has dual citizenship. She added that education and safety are better in Singapore, and she’d have more support from family members, but the move would be problematic for her husband.

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Worst dinner date of her life! — Man brags non-stop about his wealth to his date and then asks her to pay the bill


Photo: drobotdean/Freepik (for illustration purposes only)

SINGAPORE — A woman vented on the worst first date of her life tells how and why she was counting down the minutes before she could go home. There were red flags from the start.

In an anonymous post on popular confessions page NUSWhispers, she wrote that the experience was so bad she felt compelled to share the story. In her post on Wednesday (Feb 23), she revealed said that they had connected on Tinder. “Even before our food arrived, there were already a lot of things that were off about this guy.”

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