It’s hard to give helper one month off, so Singapore family flies in maid’s kids from Philippines to spend the holidays together

SINGAPORE — It has been almost six years since domestic helper Erma has seen her two kids, Liezel and Liezoo.
Since it was difficult for her employers to give her a month off to go home to the Philippines, they surprised her by bringing her children to Singapore instead.
Delivery rider calls customer “Stupid Indian, rude keling people” and throws cupcake order into shoe rack

A birthday celebrant became the target of racist remarks and getting called “stupid” after a Grab delivery rider couldn’t locate his address. The netizen took to Facebook on Thursday (Dec 8) to share what happened, saying it was his birthday and a friend got him cupcakes which would be delivered to his home.
“It was a surprise for me, but I indeed got a surprise,” said the Facebook user who witnessed the Grab delivery rider throwing the box of cupcakes onto his shoe rack table outside the HDB unit. The Grab delivery rider allegedly said, “Stupid Indian, rude keling people, don’t know how to answer phone call.”
4 reasons why Singapore ranked as the most expensive city in the world!

SINGAPORE: On Dec 1, the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) ranked Singapore as the most expensive city, with New York sharing the number one spot. Singapore had been in second place last year, in a tie with Paris.
It is the eighth time in a decade that the Little Red Dot has taken pole position and the first time for the Big Apple to do so, bumping Tel Aviv, 2021’s number one, to third place.
Another masked dancer takes on MRT; S’porean says need more security ‘before something more stupid happens’

SINGAPORE — Ladies and gentlemen, it seems that another masked dancer has made an appearance on an MRT. This time, the dancer’s head emphatically swung from side to side. Many netizens who saw the video joked that they got… dizzy… watching it.
In recent news, a masked woman seen dancing happily on MRT sparked some debate among Singaporeans. While some called her out for not being mindful of other passengers, others said that they saw nothing wrong with her actions.
Messi to miss Croatia match?

World super-star striker Lionel Messi faces the risk of missing Wednesday’s semifinal against Croatia if FIFA throws the book at him.
The match is expected to be played on Wednesday at 3:00 am (Singapore time) and FIFA gave no timetable for verdicts, which have typically not been published before a team’s next game at this World Cup.