Hundreds of Singaporeans have criticised Chua Chu Kang and Hong Kah North Town Councils for “wasting” taxpayer dollars on LED screens that will be installed in over 1,600 lifts and lift lobbies in the area.

Chua Chu Kang GRC MPs Gan Kim Yong, Zaqy Mohamad, Yee Chia Hsing and Low Yen Ling, along with Hong Kah North SMC MP Amy Khor, launched the project, last Saturday. The project, which appears to be geared towards replacing traditional notice boards, is done is partnership with Singapore Press Holdings.

The LED screens will feature a rolling display of information like maintenance work progress, local activities, Straits Times news headlines, and emergency alerts.

PAP MP Low Yen Ling, who chairs Chua Chu Kang Town Council, told ST: “Traditional notice boards are hard to physically update and cluttered with notices. This is the first large-scale installation of LED informational screens in HDB lifts and lift lobbies.”

More than 200 panels have been installed since Dec 2018 and 1,633 lifts and lift lobbies in Chua Chu Kang GRC and Hong Kah North SMC will be outfitted with these LED screens by June.

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Singaporeans, however, do not seem to think that digital displays in lifts are “unnecessary.” Urging the town councils to stop “wasting” taxpayer funds, some asked how much the entire project costs.

Others responding to the LED screens installation felt that the project is a part of the ruling party’s “election wayang,” since 2019 is widely expected to be an election year: