Singapore – A concerned citizen took to social media to share an allegedly recurring incident involving used sanitary pads being thrown out the window at a Tampines residence.
Facebook user Xiao Bawang shared through Complaint Singapore’s page a couple of photos by a certain Tan Wei Wei showing a used sanitary napkin spotted at the ground floor of a high rise building at Tampines. “Tampines TC (Town Council) and NEA (National Environment Agency), please take notice that someone from Blk 277 is throwing used sanitary pad out from the high rise building repeatedly since early this year,” read the post. The respective pages of NEA and Tampines TC were also tagged in the post.
Members of the online community were appalled and disgusted at such behaviour, urging for something to be done regarding inconsiderate residents. Facebook user Sharipap Syed shared they too had a similar problem with their block, except it was “sticky” tissue paper being littered on the floor. “The MPs and mayor of Tampines need to push the town council harder,” commented Facebook user Yoshiyuki Endo having observed “third-world and uncivilised” behaviour from Tampines residents. “This could be the way the estate is managed,” said the netizen. “If the surrounding and the exterior are not taken care of, the people living here will have the same low class and low civic-mindedness to abstain from littering.”

Meanwhile, others pushed for stricter measures to be imposed, such as a hefty S$500 fine for repeat offenders, as suggested by Facebook user Intezaar HS. Littering or throwing objects out the window is not only unhygienic and irresponsible but also dangerous. “If it (was) a heavy object, (it) could kill people,” noted Facebook user Eddie Suhada. He suggested for the incident to be brought to the attention of the police so that it could be handled swiftly.

In a 2019 Parliament session, then Nee Soon GRC MP Lee Bee Wah brought up the possibility of DNA testing to address high-rise sanitary pad littering. Despite surveillance cameras being installed in the area, the issue remains, said Dr Lee. She also suggested for NEA to dedicate more resources to catch the offenders.
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