Singapore – A Foodpanda customer underwent much stress and surprise when her order on Sunday (July 14) was delayed, and when she tried to complain she was met with lewd and vulgar comments instead.
Facebook user Jenny Liang Leran shared her experience online.
The uploaded video started with, “Guys! Look at this! OMG, I’m recording this.”
Ms Jenny was showing a screen recording of Foodpanda replying to her complaints with vulgarities.
“They deleted the message and typed again.”
“It has been a really long night, and I have collected my thoughts on what had happened,” said Ms Jenny and then started from the beginning of the incident.
“At 6:30 pm today, I ordered from Foodpanda, and I waited.”
“At around 7:40, I realized that the food was not here yet. And I’m getting kind of hungry, you know,” she added.
Like any customer wondering about the status of their order, Ms Jenny went to the company’s website.
“So I chat the website, and it kept saying “23 minutes away,” which was what they said an hour ago,” she noted.
“I tried to get onto the live chat…and it showed how many people were waiting for service,” said Ms Jenny.
She finally got a customer service representative to talk to her, so Ms Jenny proceeded to tell them that she wanted to cancel her order. Foodpanda replied that they would revert to her in a few minutes.
“And when they came back to me, they said that the food was almost ready,” said Ms Jenny.
She did not want to wait anymore. Ms Jenny shared that she also lost her appetite already.
When the customer service asked what they could do for her, she reiterated that they cancel her order and give her some compensation.
Instead, Foodpanda replied that they would send her order right away.
However, when Ms Jenny rechecked the website, the status showed that her order was still being prepared.
“I felt freaking forced cause they don’t wanna cancel and seemed like they were just buying time,” wrote Ms Jenny.
When she complained again, the live chat operator acknowledged that they could cancel her order but with no refund.
Finally, her food arrived, and Ms Jenny asked the delivery man if there was someone she could talk to regarding her experience, but she was only redirected back to the live chat.
The disgruntled customer tried checking online for similar incidents and was rewarded with countless complaints on Foodpanda. Some were even charged over S$1,000 from their bank accounts for an order that did not exist.
Watch her Facebook story here:
Ms Jenny, who goes by the name “Gadula” in Instagram also posted a story on the platform and was surprised when she received a message from Foodpanda saying, “Delete this, you dumb wh*re.” The account waited for her to see the message then immediately deleted it.
She took a screenshot of her Instastory and sent it to Foodpanda who then replied with “F*ck you b*tch” and “Suck my d*ck,” but immediately deleted it once it was seen.
Even though one could accept some delays when ordering from Foodpanda, vulgarities were definitely entirely new and unexpected.
Suspicions were confirmed when Foodpanda, via their Facebook page, released an update on July 15 (Monday) that their Instagram account had been hacked.
Dear customers,
Over the weekend, Foodpanda Singapore’s Instagram account was hacked. We apologise for any inappropriate messages you might have received during this time and we are working hard to resolve this issue. In the meantime, please do not respond to any activity from this account and we’ll update you as soon as the issue is resolved.
Thank you,
Your foodpanda team[0]=68.ARBYbFpRZuuRt2DV8K3ackBiOscXjWAkgp7lw7AhitfIPFr1QnO-ZkXrwmEepF-7J9-ANFT32Q2_RmPaYFUrVdxPjKtGezeWHKmFV67h1qM4eVTKXqKk-fjtIWBFFM4oLtGuA4FJuaWcGAVIPhf5fyVTx_1_cyPYhNDRNDOKWxmHfgRMkXscw48oJpu2SOiq6qPtRJfryXjwSnznyJ1au327QSbDlNxI7akTzMYGYzHMSD0MRgtqFmB7apMZTKSSqHQ4D4di4dBA2f95Lz-TGR6tV7grfw7_XZ4I4l4M8i5uNPCKOQx-kUZHoVRqdFDlPVbPIyOI9fIP7AIvwJIgrA&__tn__=-R
In a recent Instastory, gadula posted an update saying that the real Foodpanda contacted her and offered her a refund.
Meanwhile, here’s GrabFood sliding into the DMs and saying that they’re “real people manning the account,” ready to help customers.