Sengkang GRC MP Jamus Lim reiterated his view that Singaporeans are not instinctively anti-foreigner in a social media post published after he met residents who hoped to become Singapore citizens one day.

Dr Lim met a father residing at Block 313A Anchorvale Rd during house visits on Saturday morning (17 Oct) and said that he was struck by his conversation with the resident who is a long-time Permanent Resident (PR).

Sharing a photo of himself, the resident, and the resident’s son, the Workers’ Party (WP) member expressed his view that Singaporeans are not anti-immigrant but just want a fair chance at opportunities and appreciation for their sacrifices. He wrote: “I was struck, in particular, by the sharing of two residents. One, Wisnu, shared with me how he was a long-time PR and hoped to become a citizen someday. 

“Singapore has always been a migrant nation, and I believe that we are made stronger by earnest immigrants who contribute to our economy and make us a more diverse and sophisticated nation.

“I have also routinely stated my impression that Singaporeans are not instinctively anti-foreigner; they just want to have a fair chance in their competition for jobs and opportunities, and to be supported by the government for the sacrifices they have rendered as citizens.”

Dr Lim also found his conversation with another resident significant. Revealing that the discussion with this constituent, Siew, was centered on the diversity in views the WP brings to Parliament, the first-term MP said that the process of debate is beneficial even if the WP’s policies are not always adopted:

“The other, Siew, also spoke of diversity—this time, of diversity in viewpoints and opinions. He felt that what the #workersparty brought to Parliament was exactly the sort of discussion we need for national policy.”

“I agree; even if the policies that we propose don’t always end up being adopted, I believe that the process of agitation and debate is healthy, since it is entails a competition of ideas.”[0]=AZWdQiUPjO-6VW2hKBdNjfx6zEsSkfJ1Va4xYe3eGQcV5-VbvU3l-D7Hu1NvbumV0h8rN3yV3cgeONEJCarWcJftj3aA0DpUnPtWZ_EkabuLlS15zMA7OAd2FZWA8xCAfm72DfiLobHOINtDT6GUPwMETsYfoRLQNJ_BIX-z4erq23UH97c4SUHQqfOCXxpQRdg&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R