A Singaporean has summoned multiple Government agencies after sharing a video of a maggot-infested security camera inside a lift. The revolting video caught the attention of many netizens and has been shared by hundreds of Facebook users.

A netizen by the name of Muhammad Farhan on Thursday (May 21) took to Facebook in order to share a disturbing sight he encountered while in a lift. Attached to his short yet alarming post was a 4-second video clip as well as a photo of a lift security camera filled with maggots. Summoning the National Environment Agency (NEA), the Housing Development Board (HDB), as well as the Town Council, he wrote, “I understand you guys are very busy, but could you guys please look into this matter…”


One could almost hear the dismayed tone his words seemed to convey. Mr Farhan also explained that though he had already sent an email and called authorities, the maggots were still inside the cameras. “Please do something (about) it…” he plead, “plus it stinks!”

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The repulsive video caught the attention of many on the internet and has been widely circulated. Netizens expressed their mutual disgust at the sight of the wiggling little creatures all trapped in such a small space.

After calling the post “totally disgusting” and “unacceptable,” one netizen urged Mr Farhan to “send the photo and video to the One Service App,” in order for the issue to be followed up with those who can properly address it. Another urged him to tag the Government agencies he called on as well as the appropriate Minister of Parliament.

Many other netizens couldn’t find words, so they resorted to responding with multiple vomit emojis…and rightfully so!

Photo: screengrab from Facebook comments / Muhammad Farhan
Photo: screengrab from Facebook comments / Muhammad Farhan
Photo: screengrab from Facebook comments / Muhammad Farhan
Photo: screengrab from Facebook comments / Muhammad Farhan
Photo: screengrab from Facebook comments / Muhammad Farhan