SINGAPORE: A Singaporean with the username Aggravating_Ear_124 on the Reddit online forum recently sparked a thought-provoking conversation with a straightforward question: “What does work mean to you?”

Aggravating_Ear_124 ‘hates work’ and shared that work is like a subscription. He said, “The fact that I have to work to live on this earth makes me want to puke. It’s like a subscription. You pay money to exist. Unlike my usual subscription, I’m not even having a good time.” Curious about others’ perspectives, he also asked, “Do you hate it and see it as a means to something you like? Like financing your hobbies? Or do you genuinely enjoy working? If so, why?”

The question prompted a diverse array of responses, offering a glimpse into the daily grind of Singaporeans. Amidst these varied perspectives, SDM1974 suggested, “Blame your parents for 1) Bringing you into this world 2) Once bringing you into this world, for not being rich.”

User thiscrazee agreed, stating that ‘unstable adults should not have children.’ He stated, “Wah I agree sia..I feel that poor/uneducated/mentally unstable adult should not have children, for real Yet they have kids hoping they will miraculously turn out to be millionaire n siphon their money or bring them into this world such they can restore maybe a part of their life idk Have children only when you think you can provide them the best of life. Not as investment, a duty or what not.”

Bigspicytomato, on the other hand, added that he prefers the work today to hunting for food like a thousand years ago. He added with a touch of humour, ”I’m not a good runner so I’ll probably starve to death or something.”

AccomplishedLevel260, perhaps echoing the sentiments of the majority of people and Singaporeans in general, remarked, “Most of us work for survival, very few of us work to experience life.”

Mobile_Football_3692 took a practical stance, viewing work as a means to safeguard health and freedom: “Its just work. Not my interest or career. I just do the bare minimum but of course be responsible. I choose it as my health/freedom is more important Its not about reaching FI/FF asap. Theres a few I know who work very hard and got stroke/cancer at 30s/40s. Health/wlb is most important to me now after a health scare last year. You do you! i just go to work, don’t bother with politics, be nice to nice colleagues, ignore nasty ones, stay QUIET and go home.” He emphasised that prioritising one’s well-being is more important than climbing the career ladder.

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Annual_Emotion_1470, on the other hand, said work has been enjoyable so far, pointing out what it means to him, he stated, “Firstly, it’s a way to support myself for a comfortable life. Secondly, it is an opportunity for me to hone my skills to be good at what I do. Lastly, it gives me a network of colleagues, friends and mentors, otherwise I might be a social recluse.”

He also highlighted that many don’t enjoy work because it’s routine unlike ‘relaxing at the beach’: “Job satisfaction is different from enjoyment like, say, relaxing at the beach. Most people will say they would enjoy life more if they didn’t have to work. But the reason why relaxing at the beach is enjoyable is because you don’t do it everyday i.e. it’s a break from your routine. If you did it everyday, it will be part of your routine and no longer be as enjoyable.”

Pointing out why many are dissatisfied with work, he added, “I think career dissatisfaction comes not so much from the work itself but from things like pay, working environment and the people you work with. These are real issues and often times, it takes some trial and error to find a balance you are happy with.”

TheGeekWing1, on the other hand, expressed a desire for a life beyond the confines of routine. “Work is ok. I don’t hate it, but I don’t completely buy into it as well. But mainly saving up those money to cycle around the world for 1 year. I dream about a life of leisure. Not having commitments helps in living a relatively YOLO life.”

How about you? What does work mean to you? /TISG