SINGAPORE: After former House Speaker Tan Chuan-Jin resigned on Monday (July 17) over an extramarital affair with fellow People’s Action Party (PAP) Member of Parliament Cheng Li Hui, articles about Mr Tan on Salt & Light, a Christian website, were taken down.

However, by the same day, Mr Edric Sng, a pastor and the editor of Salt & Light, apologised for the takedown and said the articles were again available.

In a letter to the site’s readers, Mr Sng wrote that the pieces had been taken offline temporarily “while we took in the news developments and contemplated how best to approach them.”

The former House Speaker is a professing Christian. There are a number of articles about him on the site, including “‘Stay anchored on your purpose’: Mr Tan Chuan-Jin shares how faith and politics converge in public and private,” which was published on June 29, 2020, and “‘I learn from my failures and my inadequacies’: Speaker Tan Chuan-Jin on what it means to be a leader,” published on June 27, 2020.

On Monday afternoon, Reddit users published screenshots like the one below showing that the articles had been taken down.

In talking about the matter, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said he had first learned about the relationship between Mr Tan and Ms Cheng after the elections in 2020. He added that while the two were asked to stop their inappropriate relationship, it nevertheless continued.

See also  Speaker of Parliament Tan Chuan-Jin calls for support for unwittingly exposed HIV patients

Mr Tan is married and has two children, while Ms Cheng is single. She has also resigned from representing the Tampines East division of GRC.

The editor of Salt and Light urged readers to extend grace to the former Speaker.

But while we all aspire to be blameless (Daniel 6:3-5, 1 Peter 2:12), the sad reality is that we are all aware of the fallenness of all man, and the reality that no one is exempt from temptation and sin.

We believe that while missteps may be made, lessons can be learnt. We believe that where repentance is shown, grace and forgiveness can follow. We strongly believe that our heart should never be to tear people down, always to build people up (Ephesians 4:29).

We believe that those of us looking on as believers should adopt a restorative posture. Do join us in praying for the people involved, and for this nation. May love guide our hearts and righteousness be our hallmark,” Mr Sng wrote. /TISG

Tan Chuan-Jin and fellow PAP MP Cheng Li Hui caught red-handed having an affair, both resigned after multiple warnings from PM Lee