Singapore – Shen Siong Group has contributed S$200,000 to a fundraising drive for humanitarian aid in Gaza. The ongoing drive has been initiated by the Rahmatan Lil Alamin (Blessings to all) Foundation (RLAF).

The RLAF, in partnership with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), set out to provide aid in the form of healthcare, relief and social services for communities affected by the recent developments in Gaza.

As the campaign kicked off on May 22, Sheng Siong Group CEO Lim Hock Chee, personally handed over a cheque for S$200,000.

RLAF CEO Muhammad Faizal Othman took to Facebook to share the handover ceremony at Yusok Ishak Mosque.

The “simple but meaningful presentation” was witnessed by Singapore’s non-resident representative to the Palestinian National Authority (PNA), Hawazi Daipi, and the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS) chief executive Esa Masood.

“Truly a humble person, saying that they should play a part in helping the less fortunate abroad or local,” said Mr Muhammad about Mr Lim.

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According to the RLAF website, online donations are open from May 22 to May 30, 2021. Donations can be made through PayNow, interbank transfer, cheque payment or through

Within the first 12 hours of launching the campaign, the amount received surpassed S$800,000, said the RLAF in a press release.

“The contribution will go towards helping humanitarian relief efforts with the supply of water, food and healthcare to Palestine refugees in Gaza, which has more than 1.9 million Palestinians needing basic necessities,” noted Mr Muhammad./TISG

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