The government has admitted a new divide in Singapore: the knowledge divide.
It is the gap between what the government is doing and what the public thinks it is doing.
The candid admission came from the point man for the Our Singapore Conversation, Heng Swee Keat.
Two examples:
1. In education, it is the 40-year gap where parents who left school many years ago are out of touch with what happens there now.
“Unless we bridge that gap we will always have a problem in terms of how parents perceive education,” he said.
2. In health-care, the public just don’t know there are schemes to help them reduce their cost burden.
“The one take-away I have is that the same things have to be repeated over and over again and we really need to do a better job of reaching out to fellow Singaporeans whenever we have important policy changes,” he said.
What happened to all your spin doctors, Mr Heng?