Spoilers alert if you haven’t watched Avengers:Endgame!
For those who have watched Avengers:Endgame, we know that the Black Widow AKA Natasha Romanoff died and sacrificed herself for the greater good. The good thing is that isn’t the last we are going to see about her.
Although she won’t be resurrected anytime soon, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is bringing us a Black Widow prequel film next year.
Not many details were spilled about this film but if you made your way to the San Diego Comic-Con earlier this year, you might have seen something significant because they aired a for-comic-con-attendees-only trailer.
However, the movie is still a big question mark for now.
Scarlett Johansson, the actress who plays Black Widow in the MCU spoke to Vanity Fair, offering some insights into the film which sounds pretty intriguing.

She said the crew just finished filming Black Widow about two weeks ago, so it is very fresh on her mind though she does not have a total perspective on it yet.
The film is about self-forgiveness and family. Johansson said she thinks in life we sort of come of age many times and have these kinds of moments where we are in a transitional phase and then we move sort of beyond it.
With the Black Widow standalone film, she thinks the character is at a moment of real crisis and by facing herself in a lot of ways through a lot of things that make her, she kind of comes through that crisis on the other side.
So that’s the character’s journey that Johansson hopes.
It seems like this might be the right direction the film should head in. Filled with pain, suffering and trauma, Black Widow is a layered character with a dark past.
It will be nice to look forward to this aspect of the character that pushes the boundaries of the PG-13 rating and have the character explored in-depth in a psychological drama-action film.